Excerpt from the notebook of Rodney Fenwick

The legend of Tzeug was an ancient story passed down from time unknown. Tzeug fell from heaven. As punishment for his disobedience he became mortal of this Earth. He landed in the Wasserein river. Thor Koneg having witnessed the fall, led his people to . When Tzeug rose from the river, Thor challenged him. The greatest warrior of his people, Thor slew Tzeug in an epic battle. As was the custom of Thor's tribe, Tzeug was put on a raft and caught on fire, then sent out to the great sea. For three suns the fire grew brighter and brighter. On the dayof the third sun, Tzeug walked from the ocean his wounds healed. Tzeug banished Thor and became leader of the tribe. Tzeug led his newly adopted tribe to the east; for 100 moons they traveled. Finally reaching the New Sea. Tzeug led his people across the sea in a boat he called Mino.
The great god risen from the fire...
Excerpt from the notebook of Rodney Fenwick


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